Alphachem là nhà sản xuất môi trường nuôi cấy vi sinh hàng đầu Việt Nam, phù hợp tiêu chuẩn ISO 9001:2015 ; ISO 13485:2016.

Thành phần  môi trường được nhập khẩu trực tiếp từ các quốc gia Châu Âu, free BSE.

Hơn 250 công thức môi trường được sản xuất đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu phân tích, kiểm nghiệm các chỉ tiêu vi sinh vật trong công nghiệp thực phẩm, y tế, nước uống và môi trường.

Phù hợp quy chuẩn ISO, NMKL, AFNOR, BAM, TCVN…


Danh mục môi trường vi sinh

137 products « Page 1 of 2 »

Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ TBX Agar ISO 16649

Selective chromogenic media to count of E.coli acc ISO 16649

Môi trường vi sinh màu đếm tổng E.coli theo ISO 16649

Thông tin đặt hàng: 

Tên sản phẩm: Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ TBX Agar ISO 16649

Mã hàng Quy cách
CGTBX90 20plates / Box (90mm)
CGTBX60 20plates / Box (60mm)
CGTBX250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4)
CGTBX500 500g / Box

Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Total Plate Count Agar (TPC)

Selective chromogenic media to count of total aerobic bacteria

Môi trường vi sinh màu dùng đếm tổng vi khuẩn hiếu khí

Thông tin đặt hàng:

Tên sản phẩm: Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Total Plate Count Agar (TPC)

Mã hàng Quy cách
CGTPC90 20plates / Box (90mm)
CGTPC60 20plates / Box (60mm)
CGTPC250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4)
CGTPC500 500g / Box

Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Yeast Mold Rapid Agar (YMA)

Selective chromogenic media for Yeast and Mold

Môi trường vi sinh màu định danh chọn lọc nấm men, nấm móc

Thông tin đặt hàng: 

Tên sản phẩm: ChromoGel™ Yeast Mold Rapid Agar (YMA)

Mã hàng Quy cách
CGYMA90 20plates / Box (90mm)
CGYMA60 20plates / Box (60mm)
CGYMA250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4)
CGYMA500 500g / Box

Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Vibrio Agar (VIB)

Vibrio gồm các vi khuẩn thuộc nhóm gram âm (gram-negative), có khả năng sống trong môi trường có độ mặn cao (halophilic), không hình thành kết bào tử (non-spore forming), có hình dạng là thanh thẳng hoặc có một đường cong cứng (rods with a single, rigid curve). Vibrio spp thì di động, oxidase (+) và catalase (+)

Các loài Vibrio thường được tìm thấy trong môi trường nước, bao gồm cả nước biển và nước ngọt, và có thể gây ra nhiều bệnh tật cho con người và động vật. Một số loài Vibrio có tính chất pathogenic (gây bệnh) V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus. Tuy nhiên, nhiều loài Vibrio cũng có tác dụng quan trọng trong việc duy trì sự cân bằng sinh thái trong các môi trường nước và là nguồn dinh dưỡng cho nhiều loài động thực vật sống trong nước.

ChromoGel™ Vibrio Agar (VIB) được khuyến nghị sử dụng để phân lập và nhận diện Vibrio spp trong mẫu thực phẩm và môi trường

  • Vibrio parahaemolyticus tạo khuẩn lạc màu lam ngọc
  • Vibrio cholerae tạo khuẩn lạc đỏ tía và không phát huỳnh quang dưới ánh sáng UV.
  • Vibrio vulnificus tạo khuẩn lạc màu đỏ tía và phát huỳnh quang dưới ánh sáng UV.
  • Vibrio alginolyticus và các loài Vibrio spp. khác tạo khuẩn lạc không màu.
  • Enterococcus faecalis có thể mọc trên môi trường BromoGel Vibrio , tạo khuẩn lạc màu xanh da trời.

Thông tin đặt hàng:

Tên sản phẩm: ChromoGel™ Vibrio Agar (VIB)

Mã hàng Quy cách
CGVIB90 20plates / Box (90mm)
CGVIB60 20plates / Box (60mm)
CGVIB250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4)
CGVIB500 500g / Box

Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Listeria Agar Base (ALOA) acc ISO 11290

Vibrio gồm các vi khuẩn thuộc nhóm gram âm (gram-negative), có khả năng sống trong môi trường có độ mặn cao (halophilic), không hình thành kết bào tử (non-spore forming), có hình dạng là thanh thẳng hoặc có một đường cong cứng (rods with a single, rigid curve). Vibrio spp thì di động, oxidase (+) và catalase (+)

Các loài Vibrio thường được tìm thấy trong môi trường nước, bao gồm cả nước biển và nước ngọt, và có thể gây ra nhiều bệnh tật cho con người và động vật. Một số loài Vibrio có tính chất pathogenic (gây bệnh) V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus. Tuy nhiên, nhiều loài Vibrio cũng có tác dụng quan trọng trong việc duy trì sự cân bằng sinh thái trong các môi trường nước và là nguồn dinh dưỡng cho nhiều loài động thực vật sống trong nước.

ChromoGel™ Vibrio Agar (VIB) được khuyến nghị sử dụng để phân lập và nhận diện Vibrio spp trong mẫu thực phẩm và môi trường

  • Vibrio parahaemolyticus tạo khuẩn lạc màu lam ngọc
  • Vibrio cholerae tạo khuẩn lạc đỏ tía và không phát huỳnh quang dưới ánh sáng UV.
  • Vibrio vulnificus tạo khuẩn lạc màu đỏ tía và phát huỳnh quang dưới ánh sáng UV.
  • Vibrio alginolyticus và các loài Vibrio spp. khác tạo khuẩn lạc không màu.
  • Enterococcus faecalis có thể mọc trên môi trường BromoGel Vibrio , tạo khuẩn lạc màu xanh da trời.

Thông tin đặt hàng:

Tên sản phẩm:  ChromoGel™ Listeria Agar Base (ALOA) acc ISO 11290

Mã hàng Quy cách
CGALOA90 20plates / Box (90mm)
CGALOA60 20plates / Box (60mm)
CGALOA250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4)
CGALOA500 500g / Box

Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Salmonella Agar (SAL) 

Salmonella có nhiều serotypes khác nhau, được phân biệt dựa trên cấu trúc bề mặt vi khuẩn. Các serotypes này khác nhau ở tần suất gây bệnh. Một số serotypes có thể gây bệnh nặng ở người, trong khi một số khác gây bệnh nhẹ hơn. Các nhà khoa học đã mô tả được hơn 2500 serotypes Salmonella, tuy nhiên các bệnh liên quan đến Salmonella được gây nên chủ yếu ở dưới 100 serotypes . Việc đông lạnh hoặc sấy khô, thông thường sẽ ngăn chặn sự phát triển của vi khuẩn nhưng không giết được Salmonella. Vi khuẩn này có thể sống sót vài tuần trong môi trường khô ráo hoặc vài tháng trong môi trường ẩm ướt.

ChromoGel™ Salmonella Agar (SAL) là môi trường sinh màu sử dụng để phân lập Salmonella spp từ các thành viên khác của Enterobacterales dựa trên màu sắc khuẩn lạc, do khả năng sinh acid từ propylene glycol của Salmonella spp.

  • Salmonella spp., bao gồm S. typhi và S. paratyphi A tạo khuẩn lạc màu tím hoa cà.
  • Các loài khác thuộc họ Enterobacterales có khuẩn lạc màu xanh dương, xanh lam, trắng hoặc không màu

Thông tin đặt hàng:

Tên sản phẩm: ChromoGel™ Salmonella Agar (SAL)

Mã hàng Quy cách
CGSAL90 20plates / Box (90mm)
CGSAL60 20plates / Box (60mm)
CGSAL250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4)
CGSAL500 500g / Box

Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Ecoli Coliforms Agar (EEC)

Xác định nhanh chóng và tin cậy E.coli và các loại Coliform khác.

Escherichia coli là một trong những loài vi khuẩn kỵ khí chiếm ưu thế ở  ruột người và thường vô hại với vật chủ; tuy nhiên, một nhóm gây bệnh E. coli gây bệnh tiêu chảy ở người. Được gọi là  E. coli gây tiêu chảy, hoặc thường là E. coli gây bệnh, các nhóm này là được phân loại dựa trên các nhân tố gây bệnh độc nhất và chỉ có thể xác định được chúng nhờ các nhân tố này. Do vậy, muốn tìm ra E.coli gây bệnh thì yêu cầu trước hết phải phân lập ra E.coli, sau đó mới kiểm tra các dấu hiệu gây bệnh đặc thù. Nhóm E.coli gây bệnh bao gồm enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), diffusely adherent E. coli (DAEC) và có thể thêm các nhóm khác mà chưa có đặc tính phân biệt rõ ràng.

ChromoGel™ Ecoli Coliforms Agar (EEC) là môi trường sinh màu sử dụng để phát hiện, phân biệt và đếm số lượng E.coli và coliform trong thực phẩm, nước hoặc mẫu môi trường dựa trên màu sắc khuẩn lạc. Việc kiểm tra thường quy giúp đánh giá chất lượng vệ sinh thực phẩm chủ yếu thông qua các sinh vật chỉ thị. Coliform được biết đến như  là nhóm sinh vật chỉ thị quan trọng để đánh giá tình trạng vệ sinh. Coliform là nhóm Gram âm, lên men lactose, chúng hiện diện trong đường ruột người và động vật. Nhóm Coliform không chịu nhiệt thì được tìm thấy nhiều ở môi trường, như trong đất và trên cây cối.

ChromoGel ECC phát hiện và phân biệt một cách nhanh chóng, tin cậy E.coli và các Coliform khác

  • E.coli có khuẩn lạc màu tím hồng
  • Coliform có màu lam ngọc

Thông tin đặt hàng:

Tên sản phẩm: ChromoGel™ Ecoli Coliforms Agar (EEC)

Mã hàng Quy cách
CGECC90 20plates / Box (90mm)
CGECC60 20plates / Box (60mm)
CGECC250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4)
CGECC500 500g / Box



Yeast Extract Agar is used in water microbiology for the enumeration of culturable microorganisms by colony count at 36 and 22°C. The method is intended to measure the functional efficiency of drinking water treatment, and more generally, all types of water. It is particularly well adapted to the analysis of water destined for human consumption, including bottled and natural mineral waters and swimming pool water.

Tryptone-Soy Broth is a universal nutrient medium suitable for a wide range of uses. In light of its excellent nutritive value, it favors the growth of most fastidious microorganisms. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry to satisfy sterility tests and its formula is that listed in the United States Pharmacopoeia for specific and non-specific germs. It responds also to the formulations described in quality control norms established for cosmetic products, as well as in animal health. 

Trypto Casein-Soy Agar is a universal nutrient medium suitable for a wide range of uses. In light of its excellent nutritive value, it can be used for the growth and isolation of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and to favor the development of the most fastidious microorganisms. Poured in plates or on strips, it is useful in rapid tests for examining the contamination of surfaces. In addition, under the denomination TSA (Tryptic Soy Agar), this formula corresponds to the reference medium used for the evaluation of productivity and selectivity criteria in the context of the ISO 11133 standard. 

Sugar-Free Agar for the enumeration of contaminants in dairy products is a carbohydrate-free medium used for the detection and enumeration of microorganisms that do not undergo specific fermentation processes during the preparation of dairy products. The result of the enumeration furnishes an indication of the level of contamination of the sample tested.
This media is recommended for the enumeration of contaminating microorganisms in butter, fermented milk and fresh cheeses. 

The R2A (Reasoner’s 2A) agar is a medium destined for the enumeration of total viable aerobic microorganisms in treated water such as purified water, highly purified water and water for injectable preparation

Plate Count Agar containing glucose and yeast extract is used in food bacteriology to enumerate aerobic bacteria in milk, meats, meat-based products, other food products, as well as for the analysis of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and their associated raw materials.
It is also used for the enumeration psychrotrophic microorganisms.

Plate Count Agar with skimmed milk is used in food and dairy bacteriology to enumerate aerobic bacteria in milk powders and dairy products.
It is also used in the enumeration of psychrotrophic microorganisms.

Nutrient Agar (2.5%) is used primarily in water microbiology for the culture of microorganisms in the context of purification steps required in certain specific standard or protocols of detection and/or enumeration. Use of this media leads to well isolated colonies.

Eugon LT 100 agar is used for the enumeration of total mesophilic aerobic microorganisms in cosmetic products with or without preservatives. It enables luxuriant colonies to form in the case of most microorganisms. 

Contact Plate Agar is used to enumerate microorganisms by the direct application of the agar to the surfaces to test. The use of this simplified technique is a good verification of the state of cleanliness of equipment after cleaning and disinfection. It can also be used to determine the bacterial load on the hands and fingers of personnel.
The agar can also be used for air control. 

Cetrimide Agar is a selective medium for the isolation and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in biological samples of animal origin and in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. 
Its typical composition is that of the Pharmacopoeia and of the NF EN ISO 22717 for the control of cosmetic products.    

Slanetz and Bartley Agar is a selective medium used for the enumeration of intestinal enterococci in drinking water, beverages, waste water, swimming pool water and various biological products of animal origin, by the membrane filtration method. 

KF (Kenner Fecal) Streptococcus Agar is a selective medium used for the isolation and enumeration of enterococci in food products by using classic enumeration techniques on Petri plates. 
It is also recommended in the standard for the composition of acidifying lactic starters in dairy products, for the detection of enterococci as contaminants. 

Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (also known as Litsky broth) is used to carry out the confirmation test of the detection and enumeration of fecal streptococci (enterococci) in drinking water and waste water, in frozen foods and other food products by the most probable number method. The procedure involves two stages : 
      – presumptive test in Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe)
      – confirmation in Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (Litsky)

Bile Esculin Azide Agar (BEA agar) is a selective medium used to isolate and enumerate enterococci in food and pharmaceutical products. It is also used for the enumeration of enterococci animal feed.

Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe) is used for the enumeration of enterococci in drinking water, frozen foods and other food products by the most probable number method

Tryptone-Soy Agar, used as a base to be supplemented with blood, is prepared with selected starting materials which do not turn brown. It was specially designed to detect beta-hemolytic reactions and to favor the growth of particularly fastidious aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. 
The media can be used for the hemolysis test on presumed colonies of Bacillus cereus, according to the standard ISO 21871.

BCP Dextrose Tryptone Agar (also known as BCP Glucose agar) is used to enumerate mesophilic and thermophilic aerobic bacterial spores (especially Bacillus stearothermophilus, responsible for flat sour) in raw materials and in ingredients used in canning non-acid products (pH > 4,5). It is also used in surface samples and canning process water.

Bacillus cereus Agar is used for the detection and enumeration of spores and vegetative cells of Bacillus cereus in food products.
The typical composition corresponds to the MYP agar (mannitol, egg yolk, polymyxin agar) described in the standards NF EN ISO 7932 and NF EN ISO 21871.

Tryptone Sulfite Cycloserine Agar was described by Harmon for the selective isolation and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens in water and food samples. The medium was recommended for the enumeration of sulfur-reducing anaerobes from foods of animal origin.

Thioglycollate Medium with Resazurin is used for sterility tests of biological products and for the culture of aerobic, anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria. This medium is also used for the confirmation of Clostridium perfringens in food products.

Lactose-Sulfite Broth is a confirmation medium allowing the selective detection of both the vegetative cells and spores of Clostridium perfringens in food products and biological samples of animal origin, without the usual confirmatory tests.

Bryant and Burkey Broth with Resazurin (modified by Bergère) is used to enumerate the spores of lactate fermenting Clostridium in milk and dairy products. In particular, it is used to detect Clostridium tyrobutyricum, responsible for the late blowing of cheeses such as gruyère, emmental, gouda, edam, cheddar or parmesan. The phenomenon arises from a high number of spores in the milk used to prepare the cheese. This number depends above all on the type of food given to the animals, since the main source of contamination is silage. 

Mannitol Salt agar is used for the selective isolation, detection and enumeration of pathogenic staphylococci in filterable water as in swimming pools, potable water or spas. It is also used for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus according to the Pharmacopeia and in cosmetic products

Giolitti and Cantoni Broth with Tween 80 is a selective enrichment medium for the detection and enumeration (particularly in low numbers) of coagulase positive staphylococci in food products.

Baird-Parker Agar with egg yolk and potassium tellurite is a selective medium for the detection and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in animal origin biological samples, pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, foods and water.   

Rogosa Agar is a selective medium used for the enumeration of lactobacilli in meat, food products and biological samples of animal origin.
Given its high concentration in salts, the media is not adapted to the isolation of certain dairy lactobacilli such as Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis or Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus.

Reinforced Clostridial Agar is a non-selective medium used for the isolation and enumeration of Clostridia, other anaerobic bacteria and lactobacilli in biological samples, dairy products, and other food products.

This medium, developed by Mayeux, Sandine and Elliker in 1962, is an elective medium for the detection and enumeration of Leuconostoc in milk, dairy products and sweet foods.

MRS Agar is used for the growth and enumeration of cultures of Lactobacillus in dairy and other food products as well as in products destined for animal feed. 
The medium can be used to culture slowly-growing lactobacilli such as Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus fermentum. Acidified to low pH, it can be used to enumerate Lactobacillus bulgaricus in yogurts. 
According to the bacteria sought, the media can be adjusted in pH to obtain optimal growth.   

Le M17 Broth was developed for the growth and enumeration of lactic streptococci (lactococci) in milk and dairy products. It favors the growth of mutants unable to ferment lactose. It is well adapted to the culture of Lactococcus lactis (a particularly fastidious species).

M17 Agar is used for the enumeration of lactococci (especially Lactococcus lactis) in dairy products. It is also used to study the sensitivity of these species to bacteriophages. It is well adapted to the enumeration of Streptococcus thermophiles in natural or flavored yogurts, textured or not, and in yogurts containing morsels of fruit.  

Elliker Broth, prepared according to the formula of Elliker, Anderson and Hannesson, contains the nutritive elements necessary for the growth of lactobacilli and lactic streptococci (including Lactococcus) in dairy products. 

Bromocresol Purple (BCP) Lactose Agar is a non-selective medium, used for the differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae. It is used for the confirmation of coliforms in the context of the standard T90-425, for the bacteriological examination of containers and recipients used in water bottling.  

Tryptophan broth allows the culture of microorganisms presenting no particular growth requirements. The media is used to perform the indole production test, used notably in the confirmation of Escherichia coli, Shigella and Salmonella.

TBX Agar is a selective medium for the enumeration of β-D-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli in food products. The result is obtained directly by counting characteristic colonies after only 24 hours of incubation and no confirmation step is required.

Tergitol 7 Agar is used for the enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria in water, notably potable water, through the membrane filtration method. 
This media is also used for testing swimming pool water.

Peptone water is used for the culture of microorganisms with no particular growth requirements. This media is specifically used for the Mackenzie test for the identification of Escherichia coli via indole production.  

MacConkey Broth Purple complies with the formula described in the European Pharmacopoeia for the detection of Escherichia coli in non-sterile products.
The media may be also used as a presumptive medium for the detection of coliform bacteria in water, milk, and seafood (oysters). 

Laurylsulfate-Tryptose broth is a selective enrichment media used for the detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliforms in water and food products. 
The medium was formulated by Malmann and Darby who showed, in 1941, that sodium laurylsulfate was the best selective agent among a number of surfactants and did not inhibit the growth of coliform bacteria. Levine later showed that the medium reduced the number of false positives by inhibiting the growth of sporulated gas-producing bacteria.

Glutamate broth is used enumeration of β-glucuronidase positive E. coli in food products by the MPN technique. It is recommended when the microorganisms are found in a sub-optimal state due to exposition to stress including freezing, desiccation, disinfection or high salinity.
The described method does not allow the detection of strains of Escherichia coli that do not develop at 44°C, and, in particular, those that are β-glucuronidase negative, as the case of E. coli O157 and a few other strains of pathogenic E. coli.

EMB Agar, originally recommended by Levine, is used to isolate and identify enterobacteria (notably Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes) in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food products as well as water.
It is also used as a confirmation media for Escherichia coli in cosmetic products.

EC Broth (abbreviation for Escherichia coli) is a selective media used for the confirmation of E. coli in water, milk and other food products, as well as live shellfish.
The typical composition of the broth responds to that defined in the normalized method of presumptive Escherichia coli enumeration.

Wort Agar is used for the growth, isolation and enumeration of yeasts and molds. It is particularly well adapted to the enumeration of osmophilic yeasts in butter, sugar, syrups, lemonade and more generally in sweet beverages.

Sabouraud Dextrose chloramphenicol Agar (SDCA) is recommended for the isolation and the enumeration of yeasts and molds, especially when the samples are highly contaminated with bacteria. It is also used as selective isolation media for Candida albicans in cosmetic products.

Sabouraud Dextrose Broth is recommended for the detection of Candida albicans in non-sterile products according to the harmonized Pharmacopeia.
It is also used as a nutrient media for the growth of yeasts and molds.

Sabouraud Dextrose Agar is a classical medium for the culture, isolation and identification of yeasts & molds in sterility tests of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. It is also used in the specific detection of Candida albicans in pharmaceutical products. 

Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar is recommended for the isolation of yeasts and molds, especially when the samples are highly contaminated with bacteria.

Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar is recommended for the selective isolation and enumeration of yeast and molds in food products, environmental, and any other potentially contaminated samples of animal origin.

Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) is recommended in standards applied to cosmetic products. It can be used as selective media after addition of chloramphenicol or for applicability trials. 
This media is also adapted to the growth of yeasts and molds.

Oxytetracycline Glucose Agar is used for the detection and enumeration of yeasts and molds in food products.

Orange Serum Agar is used for the growth, isolation and enumeration of yeasts, molds and acid-tolerant bacteria (Bacillus, lactobacilli, Leuconostoc, Streptococcus, Clostridium), which are responsible for deteriorations in fruit juices and citrus concentrates. It has also been used for hygiene controls of industrial equipment used to prepare fruit-based beverages.

Malt Agar agar is used for the enumeration of yeasts and molds. It can also be used for the isolation and maintenance of strains.

Dichloran-glycerol (DG-18) agar is recommended for the enumeration of yeasts and molds that develop in products with a low water activity (aw less than 0.95). The media finds particular applications for the enumeration and isolation of xerophilic molds which may be found in dehydrated or extremely dry products, such as heavily sugared or salted foods, dried fruits, cereals, cakes and cookies, flour and meat or fish based dehydrated products. The media favors a controlled growth regarding the size and breadth of mold mycelia and yeast colonies, allowing easier and more accurate counts.

Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol agar is recommended for the enumeration of viable yeasts and molds that develop in products destined for human and animal consumption with a water activity (aw) greater than 0.95.
The media does not allow for the enumeration of mold spores.

Chloramphenicol Glucose Agar is destined for the detection and enumeration of yeasts and molds in food products.

Thiosulfate-Citrate-Bile-Sucrose Agar is a selective medium for the isolation of Vibrio cholerae and other enteropathologic Vibrio (in particular Vibrio parahaemolyticus) in fish, seafood and biological samples of animal origin. 

Alkaline saline peptone water (ASPW) is used as a primary and secondary enrichment medium for the detection of Vibrio spp. in human and animal food products as well as environmental samples.
The typical composition meets food microbiology standards XP ISO/TS 21872-1 and XP ISO/TS 21872-2.

Laurylsulfate-Tryptose broth is a selective enrichment media used for the detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliforms in water and food products. 
The medium was formulated by Malmann and Darby who showed, in 1941, that sodium laurylsulfate was the best selective agent among a number of surfactants and did not inhibit the growth of coliform bacteria. Levine later showed that the medium reduced the number of false positives by inhibiting the growth of sporulated gas-producing bacteria.

Lactose Broth is used principally as a liquid enrichment media for the detection of Escherichia coli in cosmetic products, if neutralizers or dispersal agents are not necessary. It is also adapted to the culture of all Gram negative bacteria. Armed with a Durham tube, it can detect the fermentation of lactose.

Endo Agar is used for the confirmation of the presence of coliforms and/or thermotolerant coliforms in drinking water, in milk, in dairy products and in other foods.

Desoxycholate Lactose Agar is a selective medium for the enumeration of coliform bacteria in water, milk, dairy and other food products. The medium is also used for the differentiation and isolation of enterobacteria from samples of animal origin.

Desoxycholate (0.1%) Lactose Agar is a selective medium for the enumeration of coliform bacteria in milk, dairy products and other food products. The medium is also recommended for the isolation and culture of Shigella.

Bromocresol Purple (BCP) Lactose broth is used as enrichment media for the enumeration of coliforms and of thermotolerant coliforms in water

Brilliant Green Bile Broth (BGBB) is used for the confirmation of coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms in food products, water used for watering food products and for effluent / run-off water testing. It can also be used as an enumeration media for coliforms in frozen dairy and ice cream products. 

TSYEA is a universal medium used in a number of applications or protocols. Given its excellent nutritive value, it is often used for the isolation and purification of microorganisms obtained from selective media (i.e. PALCAM agar, Oxford agar etc.) for detection or enumeration of Listeria, and more specifically, Listeria monocytogenes according to the standards currently in vigor.

The typical composition corresponds to that defined in the standards NF EN ISO 11290-1 and NF EN ISO 11290-2.

PALCAM Agar is a selective medium used for the differentiation and isolation of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria, from milk and cheese, as well as in other food products, even highly contaminated.
The media can be used as a second media of choice in the context of the directives concerning the detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food microbiology.

Oxford Agar is a selective medium used for the differentiation, the isolation and the enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes from milk and cheese, as well as in other food samples, even highly contaminated.
The media can be used as the second media of choice in the context of the method of detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food microbiology. 

LEB media (Listeria Enrichment Broth) according to the International Dairy Federation (IDF) is used for the selective enrichment of Listeria in milk and dairy products.

Half Fraser broth is used for the selective and differential (primary enrichment broth) enrichment of Listeria monocytogenes and of Listeria spp in food products, according to the Standard NF EN ISO 11290-1.
The media is also used in the context of alternative rapid methods for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes or Listeria spp.

Fraser broth is used for the selective secondary enrichment of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria in food products

XLT4 (Xylose-Lysine-Tergitol 4) Agar is a selective isolation medium for the detection of Salmonella, except for Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi.
XLT4 agar can be used as the second media of choice in the normalized methods of Salmonella detection in food microbiology. It is also used as media of choice in animal health for Salmonella detection.

XLD (Xylose Lysine Desoxycholate) Agar is used for the isolation of Salmonella in pharmaceutical products. The typical composition corresponds to that defined in the American and European Pharmacopeia.
The agar can also be used as a second media of choice in the normalized methods for the detection of Salmonella in food products and water. 
A second formulation of XLD agar exists and corresponds to the composition in the standards, in food microbiology and in water microbiology

TSI (Triple Sugar Iron) Agar is used for the identification of enterobacteria by the rapid detection of the fermentation of lactose, glucose (with or without gas production) and of sucrose, as well as the production of hydrogen sulfide.
The typical composition corresponds to that defined in the standards NF EN ISO 6579-1 and NF EN ISO 19250 for the detection of Salmonella spp..

Tryptophan broth allows the culture of microorganisms presenting no particular growth requirements. The media is used to perform the indole production test, used notably in the confirmation of Escherichia coli, Shigella and Salmonella.

Selenite-Cystine broth is used for the selective enrichment of Salmonella in milk and dairy products but also for the characterization of residual sludge It can also be used in animal health for the detection of Salmonella Gallinarum or in water testing.

Salmonella-Shigella (SS) agar is used for the isolation of Salmonellae and Shigellae in fecal material. It can also be used as a second media of isolation in the context of standardized methods for the detection of Salmonella. 

Rappaport-Vassiliadis Soja Broth is used for the selective enrichment of Salmonella in milk, dairy products, other food products, water and in environmental samples.

Müller & Kauffmann Tetrathionate broth is one the oldest media traditionally used for the selective enrichment of Salmonella.

MKTTn Broth is used as one of two selective enrichment medium, along with RVS broth, for salmonellae in milk and dairy products and in other food products following the horizontal method described in the ISO 6579 standard. Associated with MSRV medium, it is also used in the protocol for the isolation and identification of Salmonella in animal production environments, in poultry and in mammals.
MKTTn broth is also used as a second selective enrichment broth for the detection of Salmonella in waters.

Modified Semi-Solid Rappaport-Vassiliadis Agar (MSRV) is a selective medium historically used for the isolation of Salmonella in chocolate and other food products. It is also widely used in animal health: in particular with mammals, poultry and in animal production facilities. It is also recommended for us in the detection of motile Salmonellae in animal fecal matter and in environmental samples in the context of primary animal production.  
This medium is not recommended for immobile Salmonellae (Salmonella Gallinarum et Pullorum)

Hektoen Enteric Agar is a selective medium for the isolation and differentiation of pathogenic enterobacteria from biological samples of animal origin, water samples, dairy products and other food products. It is used in animal health in the context of Salmonella detection in mammals. 
The medium is also recommended for the detection of Shigella, in food microbiology.
Hektöen Enteric agar can also be used as the second media of choice in the standardized methods for the detection of Salmonella. 

Brilliant Green agar according to Edel & Kampelmacher is a selective medium used to isolate Salmonella in milk and dairy products.
This media can also be used as a second isolation media in the context of the various normalized methods for the detection of Salmonella spp.

Bismuth Sulfite (modified Wilson Blair agar) Agar is a selective medium used to isolate Salmonella Typhi and other salmonellas in pathological products of animal origin, water, dairy and other food products. Bismuth Sulfite agar can be used in the normalized methods for Salmonella detection as the second isolation media.

Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) là môi trường tiền tăng sinh cho nuôi cấy định danh Salmonella trong thực phẩm, nước theo ISO 6579, ISO 6887, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP

Môi trường nuôi cấy vi sinh dạng bột đông khô 500g/chai, sản xuất bởi công ty Alphachem Việt Nam

Ordering infomation / Thông tin đặt hàng

BPW500AgarCult Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) acc. ISO 6579, ISO 6887, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP500g/box
BPW5000AgarCult Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) acc. ISO 6579, ISO 6887, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP5kg/Box
RVS500AgarCult Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya Broth (RVS) acc. ISO 6579500g/Box
NOV10SAgarCult Novobiocin Supplement10vials/Box
MKTTN500AgarCult Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth (MKTTn) acc. ISO 6579500g/Box
MKTTN10SAgarCult MKTTn Supplement10vials/Box
MSRVB500AgarCult Modified Semi-solid Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth Base (MSRV) acc. ISO 6579500g/Box
MSRV10SAgarCult MSRV Supplement10vials/Box
XLD500AgarCult Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD) acc. ISO 6579500g/Box
CGSAL500ChromoGel Slamonella Agar (SAL)500g/Box
BSA500AgarCult Bismuth Sulfite Agar500g/Box
TSIA500AgarCult Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI)500g/Box
UAB500AgarCult Urea Agar Base500g/Box
URE40SAgarCult Urea 40% Solution10vials/Box
MRVP500AgarCult Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (MRVP)500g/Box
AgarCult Kovac’ Reagent100ml/Box
Ready to Use
REBPW225SReadyEnrichment Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) 225ml Sterile acc. ISO 6579, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP10bags/Box100bags/Box500bags/Box
REBPW1250SReadyEnrichment Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) 1250ml Sterile acc. ISO 6579, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP2bags/Box
REBPW3750SReadyEnrichment Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) 3750ml Sterile acc. ISO 6579, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP2bags/Box
REBPW1000SReadyEnrichment Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) 1000ml Sterile acc. ISO 6579, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP2bags/Box
RVSBT10AgarCult Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya Broth (RVS) acc. ISO 657910ml x 20tubes/Box
MKTTNT9AgarCult Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth (MKTTn) acc. ISO 65799ml x 20tubes/Box
MSRVT12AgarCult Modified Semi-solid Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth (MSRV) acc. ISO 657912ml x 20tubes/box
XLD90AgarCult Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD) 90mm acc. ISO 657920plates/Box100plates/Box
CGSAL90ChromoGel Slamonella Agar (SAL) 90mm20plates/Box100plates/Box
BSA90AgarCult Bismuth Sulfite Agar 90mm20plates/Box100plates/Box
TSIT3AgarCult Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI)3ml x 50tubes/Box
UA90AgarCult Urea Agar20plates/Box100plates/Box
CTMRVP50ChemTest MRVP Rapid Test50tests/Box
BTASOMNIBTAntisera Salmonella Omnivalent A-S antiserum2ml/Vial
BTASPHBTAntisera Salmonella polyvalent H antiserum2ml/Vial
BTASVIBTAntisera Salmonella Vi antiserum2ml/Vial
BTASOG55BTAntisera Salmonella O group 55 antiserum2ml/Vial
M42-S50MicroLatex Salmonella rapid latex kit50tests/Box

Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Blood Agar Base

Code: BA500

Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Bismuth Sulphite Agar USP

Code: BSA500

Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Baird Parker Agar ISO 6888-1 ISO 6888-2

Code: BPA500

Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Anaerobic Thioglycollate Medium

Code: ATM500

Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Alternative Thioglycollate Medium (see Thioglycollate Broth NIH)

Code: ALTM500

Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Alkaline Peptone Water (APW) ISO 21872, ISO 8914, APHA, AOAC

Code: APW500

Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Agar Listeria Ottavani & Agosti (ALOA) ISO 11290

Code: ALOA500

Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Acetobacter Broth (Glucose)

Code: ACEBG500

Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ TBX Agar ISO 16649 Selective chromogenic media to count of E.coli acc ISO 16649 Môi trường vi sinh màu đếm tổng E.coli theo ISO 16649 Thông tin đặt hàng:  Tên sản phẩm: Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ TBX Agar ISO 16649 Mã hàng Quy cách CGTBX90 20plates / Box (90mm) CGTBX60 20plates / Box (60mm) CGTBX250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4) CGTBX500 500g / Box
Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Total Plate Count Agar (TPC) Selective chromogenic media to count of total aerobic bacteria Môi trường vi sinh màu dùng đếm tổng vi khuẩn hiếu khí Thông tin đặt hàng: Tên sản phẩm: Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Total Plate Count Agar (TPC) Mã hàng Quy cách CGTPC90 20plates / Box (90mm) CGTPC60 20plates / Box (60mm) CGTPC250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4) CGTPC500 500g / Box
Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Yeast Mold Rapid Agar (YMA) Selective chromogenic media for Yeast and Mold Môi trường vi sinh màu định danh chọn lọc nấm men, nấm móc Thông tin đặt hàng:  Tên sản phẩm: ChromoGel™ Yeast Mold Rapid Agar (YMA) Mã hàng Quy cách CGYMA90 20plates / Box (90mm) CGYMA60 20plates / Box (60mm) CGYMA250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4) CGYMA500 500g / Box
Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Vibrio Agar (VIB) Vibrio gồm các vi khuẩn thuộc nhóm gram âm (gram-negative), có khả năng sống trong môi trường có độ mặn cao (halophilic), không hình thành kết bào tử (non-spore forming), có hình dạng là thanh thẳng hoặc có một đường cong cứng (rods with a single, rigid curve). Vibrio spp thì di động, oxidase (+) và catalase (+) Các loài Vibrio thường được tìm thấy trong môi trường nước, bao gồm cả nước biển và nước ngọt, và có thể gây ra nhiều bệnh tật cho con người và động vật. Một số loài Vibrio có tính chất pathogenic (gây bệnh) V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus. Tuy nhiên, nhiều loài Vibrio cũng có tác dụng quan trọng trong việc duy trì sự cân bằng sinh thái trong các môi trường nước và là nguồn dinh dưỡng cho nhiều loài động thực vật sống trong nước. ChromoGel™ Vibrio Agar (VIB) được khuyến nghị sử dụng để phân lập và nhận diện Vibrio spp trong mẫu thực phẩm và môi trường Vibrio parahaemolyticus tạo khuẩn lạc màu lam ngọc Vibrio cholerae tạo khuẩn lạc đỏ tía và không phát huỳnh quang dưới ánh sáng UV. Vibrio vulnificus tạo khuẩn lạc màu đỏ tía và phát huỳnh quang dưới ánh sáng UV. Vibrio alginolyticus và các loài Vibrio spp. khác tạo khuẩn lạc không màu. Enterococcus faecalis có thể mọc trên môi trường BromoGel Vibrio , tạo khuẩn lạc màu xanh da trời. Thông tin đặt hàng: Tên sản phẩm: ChromoGel™ Vibrio Agar (VIB) Mã hàng Quy cách CGVIB90 20plates / Box (90mm) CGVIB60 20plates / Box (60mm) CGVIB250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4) CGVIB500 500g / Box
Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Listeria Agar Base (ALOA) acc ISO 11290 Vibrio gồm các vi khuẩn thuộc nhóm gram âm (gram-negative), có khả năng sống trong môi trường có độ mặn cao (halophilic), không hình thành kết bào tử (non-spore forming), có hình dạng là thanh thẳng hoặc có một đường cong cứng (rods with a single, rigid curve). Vibrio spp thì di động, oxidase (+) và catalase (+) Các loài Vibrio thường được tìm thấy trong môi trường nước, bao gồm cả nước biển và nước ngọt, và có thể gây ra nhiều bệnh tật cho con người và động vật. Một số loài Vibrio có tính chất pathogenic (gây bệnh) V. cholerae, V. parahaemolyticus, and V. vulnificus. Tuy nhiên, nhiều loài Vibrio cũng có tác dụng quan trọng trong việc duy trì sự cân bằng sinh thái trong các môi trường nước và là nguồn dinh dưỡng cho nhiều loài động thực vật sống trong nước. ChromoGel™ Vibrio Agar (VIB) được khuyến nghị sử dụng để phân lập và nhận diện Vibrio spp trong mẫu thực phẩm và môi trường Vibrio parahaemolyticus tạo khuẩn lạc màu lam ngọc Vibrio cholerae tạo khuẩn lạc đỏ tía và không phát huỳnh quang dưới ánh sáng UV. Vibrio vulnificus tạo khuẩn lạc màu đỏ tía và phát huỳnh quang dưới ánh sáng UV. Vibrio alginolyticus và các loài Vibrio spp. khác tạo khuẩn lạc không màu. Enterococcus faecalis có thể mọc trên môi trường BromoGel Vibrio , tạo khuẩn lạc màu xanh da trời. Thông tin đặt hàng: Tên sản phẩm:  ChromoGel™ Listeria Agar Base (ALOA) acc ISO 11290 Mã hàng Quy cách CGALOA90 20plates / Box (90mm) CGALOA60 20plates / Box (60mm) CGALOA250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4) CGALOA500 500g / Box
Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Salmonella Agar (SAL)  Salmonella có nhiều serotypes khác nhau, được phân biệt dựa trên cấu trúc bề mặt vi khuẩn. Các serotypes này khác nhau ở tần suất gây bệnh. Một số serotypes có thể gây bệnh nặng ở người, trong khi một số khác gây bệnh nhẹ hơn. Các nhà khoa học đã mô tả được hơn 2500 serotypes Salmonella, tuy nhiên các bệnh liên quan đến Salmonella được gây nên chủ yếu ở dưới 100 serotypes . Việc đông lạnh hoặc sấy khô, thông thường sẽ ngăn chặn sự phát triển của vi khuẩn nhưng không giết được Salmonella. Vi khuẩn này có thể sống sót vài tuần trong môi trường khô ráo hoặc vài tháng trong môi trường ẩm ướt. ChromoGel™ Salmonella Agar (SAL) là môi trường sinh màu sử dụng để phân lập Salmonella spp từ các thành viên khác của Enterobacterales dựa trên màu sắc khuẩn lạc, do khả năng sinh acid từ propylene glycol của Salmonella spp. Salmonella spp., bao gồm S. typhi và S. paratyphi A tạo khuẩn lạc màu tím hoa cà. Các loài khác thuộc họ Enterobacterales có khuẩn lạc màu xanh dương, xanh lam, trắng hoặc không màu Thông tin đặt hàng: Tên sản phẩm: ChromoGel™ Salmonella Agar (SAL) Mã hàng Quy cách CGSAL90 20plates / Box (90mm) CGSAL60 20plates / Box (60mm) CGSAL250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4) CGSAL500 500g / Box
Môi trường vi sinh ChromoGel™ Ecoli Coliforms Agar (EEC) Xác định nhanh chóng và tin cậy E.coli và các loại Coliform khác. Escherichia coli là một trong những loài vi khuẩn kỵ khí chiếm ưu thế ở  ruột người và thường vô hại với vật chủ; tuy nhiên, một nhóm gây bệnh E. coli gây bệnh tiêu chảy ở người. Được gọi là  E. coli gây tiêu chảy, hoặc thường là E. coli gây bệnh, các nhóm này là được phân loại dựa trên các nhân tố gây bệnh độc nhất và chỉ có thể xác định được chúng nhờ các nhân tố này. Do vậy, muốn tìm ra E.coli gây bệnh thì yêu cầu trước hết phải phân lập ra E.coli, sau đó mới kiểm tra các dấu hiệu gây bệnh đặc thù. Nhóm E.coli gây bệnh bao gồm enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC), enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC), enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC), enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC), diffusely adherent E. coli (DAEC) và có thể thêm các nhóm khác mà chưa có đặc tính phân biệt rõ ràng. ChromoGel™ Ecoli Coliforms Agar (EEC) là môi trường sinh màu sử dụng để phát hiện, phân biệt và đếm số lượng E.coli và coliform trong thực phẩm, nước hoặc mẫu môi trường dựa trên màu sắc khuẩn lạc. Việc kiểm tra thường quy giúp đánh giá chất lượng vệ sinh thực phẩm chủ yếu thông qua các sinh vật chỉ thị. Coliform được biết đến như  là nhóm sinh vật chỉ thị quan trọng để đánh giá tình trạng vệ sinh. Coliform là nhóm Gram âm, lên men lactose, chúng hiện diện trong đường ruột người và động vật. Nhóm Coliform không chịu nhiệt thì được tìm thấy nhiều ở môi trường, như trong đất và trên cây cối. ChromoGel ECC phát hiện và phân biệt một cách nhanh chóng, tin cậy E.coli và các Coliform khác E.coli có khuẩn lạc màu tím hồng Coliform có màu lam ngọc Thông tin đặt hàng: Tên sản phẩm: ChromoGel™ Ecoli Coliforms Agar (EEC) Mã hàng Quy cách CGECC90 20plates / Box (90mm) CGECC60 20plates / Box (60mm) CGECC250R 4packs / Box (ReadyPack 250ml x 4) CGECC500 500g / Box  
Yeast Extract Agar is used in water microbiology for the enumeration of culturable microorganisms by colony count at 36 and 22°C. The method is intended to measure the functional efficiency of drinking water treatment, and more generally, all types of water. It is particularly well adapted to the analysis of water destined for human consumption, including bottled and natural mineral waters and swimming pool water.
Tryptone-Soy Broth is a universal nutrient medium suitable for a wide range of uses. In light of its excellent nutritive value, it favors the growth of most fastidious microorganisms. It is used in the pharmaceutical industry to satisfy sterility tests and its formula is that listed in the United States Pharmacopoeia for specific and non-specific germs. It responds also to the formulations described in quality control norms established for cosmetic products, as well as in animal health. 
Trypto Casein-Soy Agar is a universal nutrient medium suitable for a wide range of uses. In light of its excellent nutritive value, it can be used for the growth and isolation of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and to favor the development of the most fastidious microorganisms. Poured in plates or on strips, it is useful in rapid tests for examining the contamination of surfaces. In addition, under the denomination TSA (Tryptic Soy Agar), this formula corresponds to the reference medium used for the evaluation of productivity and selectivity criteria in the context of the ISO 11133 standard. 
Sugar-Free Agar for the enumeration of contaminants in dairy products is a carbohydrate-free medium used for the detection and enumeration of microorganisms that do not undergo specific fermentation processes during the preparation of dairy products. The result of the enumeration furnishes an indication of the level of contamination of the sample tested.This media is recommended for the enumeration of contaminating microorganisms in butter, fermented milk and fresh cheeses. 
The R2A (Reasoner’s 2A) agar is a medium destined for the enumeration of total viable aerobic microorganisms in treated water such as purified water, highly purified water and water for injectable preparation
Plate Count Agar containing glucose and yeast extract is used in food bacteriology to enumerate aerobic bacteria in milk, meats, meat-based products, other food products, as well as for the analysis of pharmaceuticals, cosmetics and their associated raw materials.It is also used for the enumeration psychrotrophic microorganisms.
Plate Count Agar with skimmed milk is used in food and dairy bacteriology to enumerate aerobic bacteria in milk powders and dairy products.It is also used in the enumeration of psychrotrophic microorganisms.
Nutrient Agar (2.5%) is used primarily in water microbiology for the culture of microorganisms in the context of purification steps required in certain specific standard or protocols of detection and/or enumeration. Use of this media leads to well isolated colonies.
Eugon LT 100 agar is used for the enumeration of total mesophilic aerobic microorganisms in cosmetic products with or without preservatives. It enables luxuriant colonies to form in the case of most microorganisms. 
Contact Plate Agar is used to enumerate microorganisms by the direct application of the agar to the surfaces to test. The use of this simplified technique is a good verification of the state of cleanliness of equipment after cleaning and disinfection. It can also be used to determine the bacterial load on the hands and fingers of personnel.The agar can also be used for air control. 
Cetrimide Agar is a selective medium for the isolation and enumeration of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in biological samples of animal origin and in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. Its typical composition is that of the Pharmacopoeia and of the NF EN ISO 22717 for the control of cosmetic products.    
Slanetz and Bartley Agar is a selective medium used for the enumeration of intestinal enterococci in drinking water, beverages, waste water, swimming pool water and various biological products of animal origin, by the membrane filtration method. 
KF (Kenner Fecal) Streptococcus Agar is a selective medium used for the isolation and enumeration of enterococci in food products by using classic enumeration techniques on Petri plates. It is also recommended in the standard for the composition of acidifying lactic starters in dairy products, for the detection of enterococci as contaminants. 
Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (also known as Litsky broth) is used to carry out the confirmation test of the detection and enumeration of fecal streptococci (enterococci) in drinking water and waste water, in frozen foods and other food products by the most probable number method. The procedure involves two stages :       – presumptive test in Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe)      – confirmation in Ethyl Violet Azide Broth (Litsky)
Bile Esculin Azide Agar (BEA agar) is a selective medium used to isolate and enumerate enterococci in food and pharmaceutical products. It is also used for the enumeration of enterococci animal feed.
Azide Dextrose Broth (Rothe) is used for the enumeration of enterococci in drinking water, frozen foods and other food products by the most probable number method
Tryptone-Soy Agar, used as a base to be supplemented with blood, is prepared with selected starting materials which do not turn brown. It was specially designed to detect beta-hemolytic reactions and to favor the growth of particularly fastidious aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. The media can be used for the hemolysis test on presumed colonies of Bacillus cereus, according to the standard ISO 21871.
BCP Dextrose Tryptone Agar (also known as BCP Glucose agar) is used to enumerate mesophilic and thermophilic aerobic bacterial spores (especially Bacillus stearothermophilus, responsible for flat sour) in raw materials and in ingredients used in canning non-acid products (pH > 4,5). It is also used in surface samples and canning process water.
Bacillus cereus Agar is used for the detection and enumeration of spores and vegetative cells of Bacillus cereus in food products.The typical composition corresponds to the MYP agar (mannitol, egg yolk, polymyxin agar) described in the standards NF EN ISO 7932 and NF EN ISO 21871.
Tryptone Sulfite Cycloserine Agar was described by Harmon for the selective isolation and enumeration of Clostridium perfringens in water and food samples. The medium was recommended for the enumeration of sulfur-reducing anaerobes from foods of animal origin.
Thioglycollate Medium with Resazurin is used for sterility tests of biological products and for the culture of aerobic, anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria. This medium is also used for the confirmation of Clostridium perfringens in food products.
Lactose-Sulfite Broth is a confirmation medium allowing the selective detection of both the vegetative cells and spores of Clostridium perfringens in food products and biological samples of animal origin, without the usual confirmatory tests.
Bryant and Burkey Broth with Resazurin (modified by Bergère) is used to enumerate the spores of lactate fermenting Clostridium in milk and dairy products. In particular, it is used to detect Clostridium tyrobutyricum, responsible for the late blowing of cheeses such as gruyère, emmental, gouda, edam, cheddar or parmesan. The phenomenon arises from a high number of spores in the milk used to prepare the cheese. This number depends above all on the type of food given to the animals, since the main source of contamination is silage. 
Mannitol Salt agar is used for the selective isolation, detection and enumeration of pathogenic staphylococci in filterable water as in swimming pools, potable water or spas. It is also used for the detection of Staphylococcus aureus according to the Pharmacopeia and in cosmetic products
Giolitti and Cantoni Broth with Tween 80 is a selective enrichment medium for the detection and enumeration (particularly in low numbers) of coagulase positive staphylococci in food products.
Baird-Parker Agar with egg yolk and potassium tellurite is a selective medium for the detection and enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus in animal origin biological samples, pharmaceutical products, cosmetics, foods and water.   
Rogosa Agar is a selective medium used for the enumeration of lactobacilli in meat, food products and biological samples of animal origin.Given its high concentration in salts, the media is not adapted to the isolation of certain dairy lactobacilli such as Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis or Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus.
Reinforced Clostridial Agar is a non-selective medium used for the isolation and enumeration of Clostridia, other anaerobic bacteria and lactobacilli in biological samples, dairy products, and other food products.
This medium, developed by Mayeux, Sandine and Elliker in 1962, is an elective medium for the detection and enumeration of Leuconostoc in milk, dairy products and sweet foods.
MRS Agar is used for the growth and enumeration of cultures of Lactobacillus in dairy and other food products as well as in products destined for animal feed. The medium can be used to culture slowly-growing lactobacilli such as Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus fermentum. Acidified to low pH, it can be used to enumerate Lactobacillus bulgaricus in yogurts. According to the bacteria sought, the media can be adjusted in pH to obtain optimal growth.   
Le M17 Broth was developed for the growth and enumeration of lactic streptococci (lactococci) in milk and dairy products. It favors the growth of mutants unable to ferment lactose. It is well adapted to the culture of Lactococcus lactis (a particularly fastidious species).
M17 Agar is used for the enumeration of lactococci (especially Lactococcus lactis) in dairy products. It is also used to study the sensitivity of these species to bacteriophages. It is well adapted to the enumeration of Streptococcus thermophiles in natural or flavored yogurts, textured or not, and in yogurts containing morsels of fruit.  
Elliker Broth, prepared according to the formula of Elliker, Anderson and Hannesson, contains the nutritive elements necessary for the growth of lactobacilli and lactic streptococci (including Lactococcus) in dairy products. 
Bromocresol Purple (BCP) Lactose Agar is a non-selective medium, used for the differentiation of Enterobacteriaceae. It is used for the confirmation of coliforms in the context of the standard T90-425, for the bacteriological examination of containers and recipients used in water bottling.  
Tryptophan broth allows the culture of microorganisms presenting no particular growth requirements. The media is used to perform the indole production test, used notably in the confirmation of Escherichia coli, Shigella and Salmonella.
TBX Agar is a selective medium for the enumeration of β-D-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli in food products. The result is obtained directly by counting characteristic colonies after only 24 hours of incubation and no confirmation step is required.
Tergitol 7 Agar is used for the enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliform bacteria in water, notably potable water, through the membrane filtration method. This media is also used for testing swimming pool water.
Peptone water is used for the culture of microorganisms with no particular growth requirements. This media is specifically used for the Mackenzie test for the identification of Escherichia coli via indole production.  
MacConkey Broth Purple complies with the formula described in the European Pharmacopoeia for the detection of Escherichia coli in non-sterile products.The media may be also used as a presumptive medium for the detection of coliform bacteria in water, milk, and seafood (oysters). 
Laurylsulfate-Tryptose broth is a selective enrichment media used for the detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliforms in water and food products. The medium was formulated by Malmann and Darby who showed, in 1941, that sodium laurylsulfate was the best selective agent among a number of surfactants and did not inhibit the growth of coliform bacteria. Levine later showed that the medium reduced the number of false positives by inhibiting the growth of sporulated gas-producing bacteria.
Glutamate broth is used enumeration of β-glucuronidase positive E. coli in food products by the MPN technique. It is recommended when the microorganisms are found in a sub-optimal state due to exposition to stress including freezing, desiccation, disinfection or high salinity.The described method does not allow the detection of strains of Escherichia coli that do not develop at 44°C, and, in particular, those that are β-glucuronidase negative, as the case of E. coli O157 and a few other strains of pathogenic E. coli.
EMB Agar, originally recommended by Levine, is used to isolate and identify enterobacteria (notably Escherichia coli and Enterobacter aerogenes) in pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food products as well as water.It is also used as a confirmation media for Escherichia coli in cosmetic products.
EC Broth (abbreviation for Escherichia coli) is a selective media used for the confirmation of E. coli in water, milk and other food products, as well as live shellfish.The typical composition of the broth responds to that defined in the normalized method of presumptive Escherichia coli enumeration.
Wort Agar is used for the growth, isolation and enumeration of yeasts and molds. It is particularly well adapted to the enumeration of osmophilic yeasts in butter, sugar, syrups, lemonade and more generally in sweet beverages.
Sabouraud Dextrose chloramphenicol Agar (SDCA) is recommended for the isolation and the enumeration of yeasts and molds, especially when the samples are highly contaminated with bacteria. It is also used as selective isolation media for Candida albicans in cosmetic products.
Sabouraud Dextrose Broth is recommended for the detection of Candida albicans in non-sterile products according to the harmonized Pharmacopeia.It is also used as a nutrient media for the growth of yeasts and molds.
Sabouraud Dextrose Agar is a classical medium for the culture, isolation and identification of yeasts & molds in sterility tests of pharmaceutical and cosmetic products. It is also used in the specific detection of Candida albicans in pharmaceutical products. 
Sabouraud Chloramphenicol Agar is recommended for the isolation of yeasts and molds, especially when the samples are highly contaminated with bacteria.
Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol Agar is recommended for the selective isolation and enumeration of yeast and molds in food products, environmental, and any other potentially contaminated samples of animal origin.
Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) is recommended in standards applied to cosmetic products. It can be used as selective media after addition of chloramphenicol or for applicability trials. This media is also adapted to the growth of yeasts and molds.
Oxytetracycline Glucose Agar is used for the detection and enumeration of yeasts and molds in food products.
Orange Serum Agar is used for the growth, isolation and enumeration of yeasts, molds and acid-tolerant bacteria (Bacillus, lactobacilli, Leuconostoc, Streptococcus, Clostridium), which are responsible for deteriorations in fruit juices and citrus concentrates. It has also been used for hygiene controls of industrial equipment used to prepare fruit-based beverages.
Malt Agar agar is used for the enumeration of yeasts and molds. It can also be used for the isolation and maintenance of strains.
Dichloran-glycerol (DG-18) agar is recommended for the enumeration of yeasts and molds that develop in products with a low water activity (aw less than 0.95). The media finds particular applications for the enumeration and isolation of xerophilic molds which may be found in dehydrated or extremely dry products, such as heavily sugared or salted foods, dried fruits, cereals, cakes and cookies, flour and meat or fish based dehydrated products. The media favors a controlled growth regarding the size and breadth of mold mycelia and yeast colonies, allowing easier and more accurate counts.
Dichloran Rose Bengal Chloramphenicol agar is recommended for the enumeration of viable yeasts and molds that develop in products destined for human and animal consumption with a water activity (aw) greater than 0.95.The media does not allow for the enumeration of mold spores.
Chloramphenicol Glucose Agar is destined for the detection and enumeration of yeasts and molds in food products.
Thiosulfate-Citrate-Bile-Sucrose Agar is a selective medium for the isolation of Vibrio cholerae and other enteropathologic Vibrio (in particular Vibrio parahaemolyticus) in fish, seafood and biological samples of animal origin. 
Alkaline saline peptone water (ASPW) is used as a primary and secondary enrichment medium for the detection of Vibrio spp. in human and animal food products as well as environmental samples.The typical composition meets food microbiology standards XP ISO/TS 21872-1 and XP ISO/TS 21872-2.
Laurylsulfate-Tryptose broth is a selective enrichment media used for the detection and enumeration of Escherichia coli and coliforms in water and food products. The medium was formulated by Malmann and Darby who showed, in 1941, that sodium laurylsulfate was the best selective agent among a number of surfactants and did not inhibit the growth of coliform bacteria. Levine later showed that the medium reduced the number of false positives by inhibiting the growth of sporulated gas-producing bacteria.
Lactose Broth is used principally as a liquid enrichment media for the detection of Escherichia coli in cosmetic products, if neutralizers or dispersal agents are not necessary. It is also adapted to the culture of all Gram negative bacteria. Armed with a Durham tube, it can detect the fermentation of lactose.
Endo Agar is used for the confirmation of the presence of coliforms and/or thermotolerant coliforms in drinking water, in milk, in dairy products and in other foods.
Desoxycholate Lactose Agar is a selective medium for the enumeration of coliform bacteria in water, milk, dairy and other food products. The medium is also used for the differentiation and isolation of enterobacteria from samples of animal origin.
Desoxycholate (0.1%) Lactose Agar is a selective medium for the enumeration of coliform bacteria in milk, dairy products and other food products. The medium is also recommended for the isolation and culture of Shigella.
Bromocresol Purple (BCP) Lactose broth is used as enrichment media for the enumeration of coliforms and of thermotolerant coliforms in water
Brilliant Green Bile Broth (BGBB) is used for the confirmation of coliforms and thermotolerant coliforms in food products, water used for watering food products and for effluent / run-off water testing. It can also be used as an enumeration media for coliforms in frozen dairy and ice cream products. 
TSYEA is a universal medium used in a number of applications or protocols. Given its excellent nutritive value, it is often used for the isolation and purification of microorganisms obtained from selective media (i.e. PALCAM agar, Oxford agar etc.) for detection or enumeration of Listeria, and more specifically, Listeria monocytogenes according to the standards currently in vigor. The typical composition corresponds to that defined in the standards NF EN ISO 11290-1 and NF EN ISO 11290-2.
PALCAM Agar is a selective medium used for the differentiation and isolation of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria, from milk and cheese, as well as in other food products, even highly contaminated.The media can be used as a second media of choice in the context of the directives concerning the detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food microbiology.
Oxford Agar is a selective medium used for the differentiation, the isolation and the enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes from milk and cheese, as well as in other food samples, even highly contaminated.The media can be used as the second media of choice in the context of the method of detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food microbiology. 
LEB media (Listeria Enrichment Broth) according to the International Dairy Federation (IDF) is used for the selective enrichment of Listeria in milk and dairy products.
Half Fraser broth is used for the selective and differential (primary enrichment broth) enrichment of Listeria monocytogenes and of Listeria spp in food products, according to the Standard NF EN ISO 11290-1.The media is also used in the context of alternative rapid methods for the detection and enumeration of Listeria monocytogenes or Listeria spp.
Fraser broth is used for the selective secondary enrichment of Listeria monocytogenes and other Listeria in food products
XLT4 (Xylose-Lysine-Tergitol 4) Agar is a selective isolation medium for the detection of Salmonella, except for Salmonella Typhi and Paratyphi.XLT4 agar can be used as the second media of choice in the normalized methods of Salmonella detection in food microbiology. It is also used as media of choice in animal health for Salmonella detection.
XLD (Xylose Lysine Desoxycholate) Agar is used for the isolation of Salmonella in pharmaceutical products. The typical composition corresponds to that defined in the American and European Pharmacopeia.The agar can also be used as a second media of choice in the normalized methods for the detection of Salmonella in food products and water. A second formulation of XLD agar exists and corresponds to the composition in the standards, in food microbiology and in water microbiology
TSI (Triple Sugar Iron) Agar is used for the identification of enterobacteria by the rapid detection of the fermentation of lactose, glucose (with or without gas production) and of sucrose, as well as the production of hydrogen sulfide.The typical composition corresponds to that defined in the standards NF EN ISO 6579-1 and NF EN ISO 19250 for the detection of Salmonella spp..
Tryptophan broth allows the culture of microorganisms presenting no particular growth requirements. The media is used to perform the indole production test, used notably in the confirmation of Escherichia coli, Shigella and Salmonella.
Selenite-Cystine broth is used for the selective enrichment of Salmonella in milk and dairy products but also for the characterization of residual sludge It can also be used in animal health for the detection of Salmonella Gallinarum or in water testing.
Salmonella-Shigella (SS) agar is used for the isolation of Salmonellae and Shigellae in fecal material. It can also be used as a second media of isolation in the context of standardized methods for the detection of Salmonella. 
Rappaport-Vassiliadis Soja Broth is used for the selective enrichment of Salmonella in milk, dairy products, other food products, water and in environmental samples.
Müller & Kauffmann Tetrathionate broth is one the oldest media traditionally used for the selective enrichment of Salmonella.
MKTTn Broth is used as one of two selective enrichment medium, along with RVS broth, for salmonellae in milk and dairy products and in other food products following the horizontal method described in the ISO 6579 standard. Associated with MSRV medium, it is also used in the protocol for the isolation and identification of Salmonella in animal production environments, in poultry and in mammals.MKTTn broth is also used as a second selective enrichment broth for the detection of Salmonella in waters.
Modified Semi-Solid Rappaport-Vassiliadis Agar (MSRV) is a selective medium historically used for the isolation of Salmonella in chocolate and other food products. It is also widely used in animal health: in particular with mammals, poultry and in animal production facilities. It is also recommended for us in the detection of motile Salmonellae in animal fecal matter and in environmental samples in the context of primary animal production.  This medium is not recommended for immobile Salmonellae (Salmonella Gallinarum et Pullorum)
Hektoen Enteric Agar is a selective medium for the isolation and differentiation of pathogenic enterobacteria from biological samples of animal origin, water samples, dairy products and other food products. It is used in animal health in the context of Salmonella detection in mammals. The medium is also recommended for the detection of Shigella, in food microbiology.Hektöen Enteric agar can also be used as the second media of choice in the standardized methods for the detection of Salmonella. 
Brilliant Green agar according to Edel & Kampelmacher is a selective medium used to isolate Salmonella in milk and dairy products.This media can also be used as a second isolation media in the context of the various normalized methods for the detection of Salmonella spp.
Bismuth Sulfite (modified Wilson Blair agar) Agar is a selective medium used to isolate Salmonella Typhi and other salmonellas in pathological products of animal origin, water, dairy and other food products. Bismuth Sulfite agar can be used in the normalized methods for Salmonella detection as the second isolation media.
Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) là môi trường tiền tăng sinh cho nuôi cấy định danh Salmonella trong thực phẩm, nước theo ISO 6579, ISO 6887, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP Môi trường nuôi cấy vi sinh dạng bột đông khô 500g/chai, sản xuất bởi công ty Alphachem Việt Nam Ordering infomation / Thông tin đặt hàng Code Name Package BPW500 AgarCult Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) acc. ISO 6579, ISO 6887, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP 500g/box BPW5000 AgarCult Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) acc. ISO 6579, ISO 6887, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP 5kg/Box RVS500 AgarCult Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya Broth (RVS) acc. ISO 6579 500g/Box NOV10S AgarCult Novobiocin Supplement 10vials/Box MKTTN500 AgarCult Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth (MKTTn) acc. ISO 6579 500g/Box MKTTN10S AgarCult MKTTn Supplement 10vials/Box MSRVB500 AgarCult Modified Semi-solid Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth Base (MSRV) acc. ISO 6579 500g/Box MSRV10S AgarCult MSRV Supplement 10vials/Box XLD500 AgarCult Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD) acc. ISO 6579 500g/Box CGSAL500 ChromoGel Slamonella Agar (SAL) 500g/Box BSA500 AgarCult Bismuth Sulfite Agar 500g/Box TSIA500 AgarCult Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI) 500g/Box UAB500 AgarCult Urea Agar Base 500g/Box URE40S AgarCult Urea 40% Solution 10vials/Box MRVP500 AgarCult Methyl Red Voges Proskauer Broth (MRVP) 500g/Box AgarCult Kovac’ Reagent 100ml/Box Ready to Use REBPW225S ReadyEnrichment Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) 225ml Sterile acc. ISO 6579, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP 10bags/Box100bags/Box500bags/Box REBPW1250S ReadyEnrichment Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) 1250ml Sterile acc. ISO 6579, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP 2bags/Box REBPW3750S ReadyEnrichment Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) 3750ml Sterile acc. ISO 6579, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP 2bags/Box REBPW1000S ReadyEnrichment Buffered Peptone Water (BPW) 1000ml Sterile acc. ISO 6579, ISO 19250, ISO 21528, ISO 22964, FDA-BAM, EP 2bags/Box RVSBT10 AgarCult Rappaport Vassiliadis Soya Broth (RVS) acc. ISO 6579 10ml x 20tubes/Box MKTTNT9 AgarCult Muller Kauffmann Tetrathionate Novobiocin Broth (MKTTn) acc. ISO 6579 9ml x 20tubes/Box MSRVT12 AgarCult Modified Semi-solid Rappaport Vassiliadis Broth (MSRV) acc. ISO 6579 12ml x 20tubes/box XLD90 AgarCult Xylose Lysine Deoxycholate Agar (XLD) 90mm acc. ISO 6579 20plates/Box100plates/Box CGSAL90 ChromoGel Slamonella Agar (SAL) 90mm 20plates/Box100plates/Box BSA90 AgarCult Bismuth Sulfite Agar 90mm 20plates/Box100plates/Box TSIT3 AgarCult Triple Sugar Iron Agar (TSI) 3ml x 50tubes/Box UA90 AgarCult Urea Agar 20plates/Box100plates/Box CTMRVP50 ChemTest MRVP Rapid Test 50tests/Box BTASOMNI BTAntisera Salmonella Omnivalent A-S antiserum 2ml/Vial BTASPH BTAntisera Salmonella polyvalent H antiserum 2ml/Vial BTASVI BTAntisera Salmonella Vi antiserum 2ml/Vial BTASOG55 BTAntisera Salmonella O group 55 antiserum 2ml/Vial M42-S50 MicroLatex Salmonella rapid latex kit 50tests/Box
Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Blood Agar Base Code: BA500
Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Bismuth Sulphite Agar USP Code: BSA500
Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Baird Parker Agar ISO 6888-1 ISO 6888-2 Code: BPA500
Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Anaerobic Thioglycollate Medium Code: ATM500
Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Alternative Thioglycollate Medium (see Thioglycollate Broth NIH) Code: ALTM500
Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Alkaline Peptone Water (APW) ISO 21872, ISO 8914, APHA, AOAC Code: APW500
Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Agar Listeria Ottavani & Agosti (ALOA) ISO 11290 Code: ALOA500
Môi trường vi sinh AgarCult™ Acetobacter Broth (Glucose) Code: ACEBG500